11 Surprising Things Narcissists Can’t Stand (Makes Them Miserable)


When a narcissist’s supply, that is, the attention that allows them to feel like they are truly significant and exist, runs short, an irritating emptiness and anxiety emerge from within them.

It’s also self-evident. When a narcissist is high as a KITE with enough narcissistic supply to feed his or her unsafe and demanding ego, you’ll notice how darkness and moodiness become obvious, and when he or she isn’t being given supply, you’ll see how darkness and moodiness become apparent.

This is the most dangerous zone, wherein “the narcissist you know” can turn on you or must flee the scene in order to get much-needed supplies out in the world and escape the self-annihilating inner feelings of the flawed and exceedingly dangerous Inner Being.

A wonderful book: Divorcing A Narcissist And Other Jerks

People who don’t believe they’re in charge are number two.