If you’ve ever felt like you’re constantly questioning your self-worth or walking on eggshells around your partner, this article is for you. Narcissistic behaviors can be subtle and insidious, but by the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of the red flags to look out for in your relationship. These are signs that you might be dating a narcissist.

The first sign you’re dating a narcissist is when your new partner instantly puts you at the center of their world. Even though they don’t know you well yet, everything suddenly revolves around you. This is called “love bombing,” and it’s often the first sign you might be dating a narcissist. Consider this and the other signs we’ll discuss as red flags and pay close attention to all of them.

Another sign is if your partner has an exaggerated sense of self-importance. They constantly talk about their achievements, how they’re the best at everything, and they rarely seem interested in anyone else’s life or accomplishments. You may notice they get bored or interrupt the conversation when it’s not about them. They may also argue with you or play “devil’s advocate” when you’re sharing something, which often serves to make you doubt yourself or feel like your decisions were wrong.

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