10 Behaviors of People Who Experienced Mental Abuse from Narcissist


Have you encountered someone who always feels anxious and depressed? They could be a victim of mental abuse from narcissists. Mental abuse is draining and lingers like bruises that heal slowly. It takes just a word for mental abuse to cut deeper than a knife, especially if the abuser is someone the victim cannot easily distance themselves from.

Feeling anxious and depressed makes one question what’s next and makes happiness elusive. If you feel this way, consult a professional for help.

Number 3: Lack of Self-Control

The mind controls every human being. Mental abuse targets this primary control, resulting in the victim losing self-control. They may struggle to restrain emotions, desires, and impulses, leading to regrettable actions or words.

Number 4: Pessimism

Encountered someone with a negative outlook on life? Victims of mental abuse often lack hope or confidence in the future, believing the worst is inevitable. They may mistrust kindness, suspecting ulterior motives.

Number 5: Inactivity or Slack

Victims may lose interest in activities they once loved due to mental abuse, displaying unwillingness even when they have time and resources. Pessimism can render productivity unfulfilling and unrewarding.

Number 6: Lack of Self-Confidence

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