Protecting the Fantasy: How Narcissists Defend Their Delusions

If you have had sufficient dealings with a narcissist, you will soon realize that they are delusional. What they say, how they see themselves, and even the things they claim to do or be are not based on reality. That is why you can never believe what they say because much of it exists only in their minds.

In the mind of a narcissist, they are awesome, loving, caring, understanding, a team player, loyal, forgiving, and many other wonderful things. Narcissists lie not only to others but also to themselves. And it is only a matter of time before their hypocrisy is exposed, and the perfect image they present of themselves falls apart, as it has no grounding in reality.

This is why, for narcissists, reality can be perceived as aggression—it challenges the false self-image they have worked so hard to create and maintain. Therefore, narcissists need their delusions. Today, I want to explore why reality feels like a threat to them and how they fight to keep their delusions alive.

Why Reality Is a Threat to Narcissists

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