The second sign is that your relationship is negatively affecting your connection with God or your higher self. The narcissist may have a problem with your spirituality, trying to distract you from prayer, meditation, or other spiritual practices. Their jealousy reveals their desire for control—they want to be the center of your attention, even to the point of acting like a god in your life.
Their behavior drains your spiritual energy. You might find yourself abandoning rituals, prayers, or practices that once brought you peace. A good-hearted person wouldn’t be threatened by your spiritual connection; they’d support or respect it. Pay attention to this toxic influence—it’s a clear sign.
Sign 3: Dishonesty and Deceitfulness
The third sign is the presence of dishonesty and deceitfulness, which go against everything God stands for. God represents truth, love, authenticity, integrity, and morality. If your relationship lacks these qualities and instead forces you to violate your own values, it’s a sign the narcissist is pulling you away from your higher self.
From love-bombing to broken promises and manipulation, their actions are a web of lies. This disconnect between your values and their actions is a divine warning to step away.
Sign 4: Resistance to Change
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